“Old School” Picnic on Saturday, July 29th from 11am to 2pm at El Dorado Park West, 2760 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Click the link (link) to Signup Genius and RSVP. See the map below for location.
Join us for the Ultimate Committee of 300 “Old School” Picnic with FUN & GAMES for Members! This is a great chance to mingle with our fellow members while enjoying the nice summer breeze with great food and company. We will furnish burgers (beef & veggie), hot dogs (beef only), buns, condiments, soft drinks and water. Be sure to bring your own chairs and blanket. You are welcome to bring a dish to share, just like an Old School Picnic.
Looking forward to a good time with our fellow Redcoats!