RSVP by July 10 (LINK) to attend the President’s Celebration on July 15 at 6pm at the Lions Automobilia Foundation Museum. Enjoy a full-course dinner catered by the Naples Rib Company and celebrate the Committee of 300’s accomplishments of the past year and the initiatives for the coming year. You will have ample time to tour the museum which features hot rods, race cars, and beautifully restored classic cars displayed in movie-like settings. Send your checks to Committee of 300 at 3000 Pacific Ave., Long Beach CA 90806 ($50 for Members and $65 for guests) or call the office (562-981-9200) to pay by credit card. The museum is located just off the I-710 and the I-405 intersection at 2790 E Del Amo Blvd, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221.